BV.SB its a fantastic Beachvolley Scoreboard, useful for audience to follow matches at their best, very useful for referees to keep control all the info about matches such as:
- Score.
- Service order.
- Timeouts with time countdown.
- Court switch report.
- Personal points to elect the MPV of the match.
Possibility of save the matches to continue them later or to archive an entire tournament.
Fully configurable:
- Three types of matches: 2 vs 2, 3 vs 3, 4 vs 4.
- Customizable team names.
- Customizable players names.
- Points per set: 15, 21, 25.
- Court switch: every 5 points, every 7 points, every 8 points, every 10 points.
- Number of timeouts: 1, 2, 3.
- Timeouts length: 30 sec., 45 sec., 60 sec., 90 sec.